Conditions Yacht Survey
The survey, the assignment, is carried out as a consulting assignment under professional responsibility. The protocol is not a repair description in the legal sense, but only a basis for assessing the condition of the object surveyed.
The buyer of a recreational yacht can only claim to a limited extent after the purchase that errors and defects existed on the yacht at the time of purchase. Thus, the buyer cannot invoke errors that he should have discovered during an examination of the yacht and that were called for with regard to the condition of the yacht, the normal condition of comparable yachts and the circumstances of the purchase.
All of this is covered by what is commonly referred to as the buyer's duty of investigation. The purpose of an inspection is, among other things, to a. to assist the buyer and assess the condition. The surveyor's commitment during the survey includes, survey and documentation, and, where appropriate, recommendations for continued technical investigation according to the conditions set out below. The professional responsibility for the survey assignment received applies only to the surveyor's formal client.
The survey includes an internal and external visual inspection of accessible parts of the hull and deck as well as the technical installations that are accessible for inspection at the time of the survey and what has been agreed between the parties. Functional testing is carried out by the technical installations agreed upon by the parties and which, taking into account the prevailing circumstances during the inspection, enable functional testing. Humidification of hulls and decks is carried out as a supplement on fiberglass yachts with moisture meters, provided that the hulls and decks are accessible and their surfaces are dry. Moisture measurement is not an exact science, which is why all measurement results should only be used as a guide, especially if the temperature during the days before or at the time of the inspection was or is close to or below zero degrees Celsius. Moisture measurement can also be made impossible if there is material on or inside the laminate that affects the measuring instrument. If continued technical investigation is required for a more detailed assessment of the yacht's condition that may be required during the inspection and possible moisture measurement, this is not covered by the assignment.
Summative assessment.
Based on what emerged during the visual inspection and possible moisture measurement, a summary assessment of the yacht's condition is made.
Hull parts that could not be examined without destructive testing or the removal of installations, garnish, other fixed fittings and the condition of what was hidden under the water when inspecting the boat in the lake.
Measurements with other technical measuring devices than humidity meters.
The condition of the engine and reverse gear, drivetrain or other associated unit is not covered in the legal sense. Checking the year of manufacture of the engines and equipment. Internal inspection of fuel, fresh water and septic tanks. Sail if the inspection does not include trial sailing. Mast and rig when the boat is rigged or when the mast and rig are hard to reach in e.g. a mast shed. Checking the yacht's ownership or whether the yacht is taken as collateral with a loan institution. The surveyor is not responsible for errors and defects that the owner knowingly or unknowingly failed to inform about or that could not have been discovered without the owner's information. Smaller defects and faults resulting from normal wear and tear are not always noted.
As it is of essential importance for the surveyor to learn about the owner's knowledge of the yacht, it is desirable that he is present during the survey, so that he can inform the surveyor of the errors and deficiencies that he is aware of, regarding damage and repairs to the yacht/ engine/reverse gear/inboard drive and their function, as well as other installations and equipment that can directly or indirectly affect the yacht's total sea safety or value. The buyer or his representative and the owner should attend the survey.
Any objection of the survey must be presented to the surveyor no later than one year after the assignment.
Disputes must be brought in a Swedish court.